Posts Tagged ‘people against poverty and apathy’

one blue sky above us all

at the two recent festivals we attended – PAPA [People Against Poverty and Apathy] and Wild Goose – Shane did a short talk on some kids he met in Afghanistan recently and this blue scarf initiative they had and then we handed out strips of blue material and got everyone to hold them up together signifying that we are all under the same sky and that God made us all – it is part of a new Friends Without Borders initiative that Shane and others are a part of and you can watch the video clip here.

PAPA Fest: part getting ticked off

or staying ticked off…

we just got back from a day visit to the People Against Poverty and Apathy festival which was a complete eye-opener and a lot of interesting fun and experience and i will hopefully blog a bunch about it in the next day or two as time permits, but we are about to leave for a banquet for an awards dinner for some local school american footballers so don’t have much time so thort i’d comment on my first impression…

drive an hour and a half sliding into the next state [maryland] and arriving at a big field of extended farmland full of various shapes and sizes of tent [and a caravan or two] and get the intro to papa fest booklet to be welcomed by a whole page of [with pictures] POTENTIAL NATURAL HAZARDS AT THE PAPA FEST including two types of tick [likely to be seen – fortunately think we made it back without having had that particular experience] namely the american dog tick [purveyor of  Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever] and the blacklegged tick [Lyme disease and on occasion ‘human babesiosis’] and then mosquitos, wasps, yellow-jackets, hornets, snakes [with the sub note that only 3 of the 21 species native to pennsylvania are venomous], snapping turtles [so bummed we didn’t get to see these] and posion ivy, stinging nettles and poison hemlock…

i think we managed to survive our little one day excursion [three day fest] without encountering any of those altho i did hear A-Ron tell a story of a previous festival he attended where TWO DAYS after returning home he discovered a tick IN HIS BEARD stuck to the side of his face… so maybe we’ll only know in a day or two but it seems we are pest free and won’t have to get ticked off at all…

more to follow about the actual fest but if you are friends with uncle google then stick in ‘Psalters Band’ and try find a You Tube video of them – absolutely wild performance which bruce meissner and others would have gone wild over…

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