Posts Tagged ‘anti-war’

the wild goose part guns

soooo i had a bit of an oops moment on the third morning of the fest… shane [anti-war, pacifist] was leading morning prayer from the main stage with another dude and a crowd of people were participating and someone asked me if i’d make him a coffee so i went to base camp and grabbed the blue thermos mug we had taken from the office to use at the fest – when i took the coffee he was busy leading the prayer and so i motioned to him and set the mug on the edge of the stage…

[time passes]

lying in E-beth’s hammock vibing a bit later and shane comes up to me – “do you know what this stands for?” and holds up the coffee mug with the letters NRA boldly on the side and i instantly have flashbacks to the michael moore ‘bowling for columbine’ documentary charlton heston interview and sheepishly answer “National Rifle Association?” and he responds with “yup, at first i thort you were playing a joke on me and then i figured you probly didn’t know what it had meant.”

i hadn’t. to me it was a cool blue mug with three letters on it. wow, spot the irony. cool that he thort it was quite funny though.

when he asked me where i got it and i said “our house” [which wasn’t true altho i thort it was, val reminded me later that we picked it up at the simple way office, much better] he responded with “someone must be trying to set me up” all still in a jokey vibey mood.

that was one of the moments of the festival, harr, and it’s great to have an ongoing private joke with shane…

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