Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Wild Goose Hunting – Day 2 evening [of Josh Garrels and friends]

there were two external reasons why The Beautiful Val and i were amped for the Wild Goose Festival. one was a guy called Josh Garrels [who had offered his latest cd free on which is a great site for getting legal and FREE and often pretty decent music, and Val and i both love his cd – his stuff is just really great both musically and lyrically] and the other, a group called Gungor [altho also super amped to see Dave Crowder live as well] but when we saw the schedule it could not have been any worse as Shane was speaking at the same time and all of us had to be there to hand out free books afterwards as part of the session. long story short, our community went to some effort to hatch a plan so we could both make it to at least part of his show. just another fine example of how community can be so effective [even for something as trivial in one sense as getting to watch a favourite music artist]

[the p.s. of this story is that both Val and i decided to go help distribute books anyways and just catch the end of his show and Josh Garrels was pushed back an hour because of technological problems with earlier bands and so all of us got to see most of his show including a bunch of our favourite songs anyways… and then my buddy Dana went and invited him to come have a drink with us at our campfire afterwards and so got to vibe a little with Josh and hear some of his story which was pretty hectic, so good nite really…]

to read the next exciting installment involving a huggable australian click here.

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